AquaX Blog 2.0


I don't understand.

4 people in my faves are together in 1 ID. Well, I can understand S4B and SB. SB got caught having an account. He had to cancel his account. And he couldn't make anymore flips. So then S4B & SB shared an account. Is there a problem about that? No, Not all. But then there's ChilZ and IQman. You guys know I don't like squirtlings that much anymore. But that's not the problem right now. Here's the problem. ChilZ said "I gained 800 fans in 20 seconds thanks to IQ" Well, Those aren't your fans. The fans of IQ are gonna be wondering, Why is there a guy in my faves that I didn't even fave? So they might just leave it or they just defave both creators. (Which i'm on the verge of defaving both)  And the thing is, ChilZ tried to get into MY account. He said, "DMX can I have your account" NO. I don't want two people in my account. Also I bet ChilZ just wants fans. I'm sure LOTS of people want popularity. So i'm just gonna leave this right here. (Because i'm bored and my hands hurt from typing 1,000 characters in 10 minutes. KBAI